Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Worry Not, God's Got It

I used to be a person who worried all of the time. I worried pretty much about everything. Sometimes things that had nothing to do with me. But, now I ask myself why? Why did I worry about anything?  Worrying doesn't change the end result. 

In fact worrying about something makes it worse. Naturally and spiritually. In the natural worrying can damage your body. It can lead to high blood pressure, ulcers, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, and many more conditions. In the spiritual, worry takes you outside of God's will for your life. Worry is truly negative faith.  God wants  us to rest and rely on him. The word tell believers to rest. So why are you not resting?
Worrying about the bills, your job, your children, your spouse is not resting. Jesus told us to take no thought for your life. If Jesus said it, why are we not doing it? I know. It is because we try to be our own GPS in life. Instead of letting GOD direct us. We navigate our own direction instead of letting Jesus take the wheel. 
A car is not meant to driven by 2 people. When we let God drive we always go in the right direction. But, when we take the wheel God stops driving because he won't over power our will. Then we end up going the wrong way or taking a longer trip to our destination.
Psalms 34:4 says "I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears." Worry = fears!  I am here to tell you that you can have a worry free life, that is full of rest. Just follow the above verse as I did, and your life will never be the same.
When I sought the Lord he told me rest because God's got it.  So I'm telling you the same thing. Rest! God's got it.

Watch this video, you may find it uplifting.

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