Monday, June 9, 2014

Forgetting God's Grace

In Luke 2:40 it states," and the grace of God was upon him." So clearly it is safe to say God's grace is upon us. We know this because God wouldn't do that only for Jesus. He does that for all his children. God doesn't have a favorite. So if God has given all of us his grace, why do some people easily forget about it? People forget how God delivered them from addiction, homelessness, abuse, anger, craziness, and poverty. Kept them safe, healthy, out of jail, or even alive when they placed themselves in a bad situation. No matter what your situation was God's gift of grace was enough for you to cope, deal, be comforted, and overcome it. God grace is give to you without God holing it against you, without God charging you For it. It was all Free. All because God wanted to do it out of his love for us.
Romans 3:23-24 says, "All have sinned and fell short of the glory of God. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 4:7 says,  "but unto everyone of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." Jesus was God's gift to us. God sacrificed his son so we could live a great life. Yet, as people so easily we forget what God has done for us.
Very few people look back at their past and remember what God has done for them by his grace. Now that you have the job, car, house, family, money, or deliverance you forget what life was like when you were without. THAT IS NOT FAIR!!
Not fair to God, to yourself, and to others. God's gift was free. When something is given freely it is because the giver wants to. In return you should want to show your gratitude. Not only should you thank God for what he has given you, you should pay it forward. Show God your gratitude by sowing in to someones life.
Sow your testimony so another person can be helped, sow your love, time, gifts, and talents, so another person can benefit from what God has given to you.
When we pay it forward not only are we helping someone else, we are setting ourselves up to receive more from God just by showing our gratitude for his gifts to us.

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