Monday, June 9, 2014

Obstacles... from Minister Qui

What is an obstacle? Sometimes I think its just something annoying that tries to side track me from doing or having God’s best. But is it more than that? You see, when I see an obstacle on my path I am immediately effected by its presence. Does that ever happen to you? (Be honest…it’s not like you have to answer out loud our anything!) But seriously, can you relate? Let’s think about this for a minute…
You get up for work in the morning and travel on your usual route to work. On your way there you read a sign that says your exit is closed due to construction. Immediately your whole day is changed. At that very moment your day has been altered.
My husband and I joke all the time about his sense of direction or the lack there of. (sidebar: I know he’s gonna read this, yet I still keep writing! LOL) But I on the other hand he jokingly calls “the navigator” because I can pretty much find my way anywhere. If I encountered the obstacle we mentioned earlier on my way to work I’d probably be able to find an alternate route to work pretty quickly, but my husband would most definitely have to pull out the GPS!
The crazy thing is that if I found my own way or my husband used the GPS, the end result would be the same. We’d eventually get to wok. You see my husband and I have realized what areas we’re strong in and what areas we may need a little help and we don’t try to step on each others toes to prove that we can do the job better than the other. For instance, my husband wouldn’t waste time trying to find his way around, instead he’d just pull out his GPS get himself on course. So then why as believers do we waste so much time trying to deal with opposition on our own?
Here’s what interesting about these obstacles we face in life’s journey:
So be encouraged people of God because you are growing and moving towards what God has predestined you for. But, don’t stop there. The bible tells us not to get weary or tired when we are doing what’s right because we will most certain reap if we don’t give up, cave in, and quit! Even if you need to grab hold of some of that holy anger Mrs. Wilson shared with us last week as a motivator to keep plowing on.
I truly believe that the number one reason satan goes so hard on the believer is so that we don’t live the victorious life God predestined for us to live. See we have to remember that we are the light in this world, and if we are complaining about the same stuff unbelievers are going through our light is NOT shining. As a matter of fact, our lights are dim at best! And we’re definitely NOT “salty” enough to draw souls to the kingdom! (you ever tried eat a fried pork chop with no salt…yep that’s us when we’re complaining)
What we do in response to the opposition in our life will determine the end result. How will you respond the next time you face an obstacle? Will you pull out your bible and look to the Word to navigate you to your destination? Or maybe you will stop and listen to the Holy Spirit who is ready to lead you on your journey. Now tell the truth and shame the devil…what you usually do is call one of your friends for their advice, right? WHY DO WE DO THIS? She’s just as lost as you are and you calling her for directions? A MESS!
That’s why you have the Power of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you. So that you can break through every roadblock with the anointing of God. And for those of you who may be wondering “Well, I keep running into the same obstacle over and over again.” Here what the Holy Spirit wants to say to you: That recurring barrier is what is keeping you from moving to your next level. But guess what? You need to get excited right here and right now because you are literally right at the ceiling of your breakthrough! Revelation is a powerful thing and if can see through this obstacle for what it is, you can overthrow it! Hallelujah! And whatever you can see, you can change in the name of Jesus! It is temporal, subject to change. All you have to do is use your faith to mixed with what the Word of God says about that “obstacle” and you will experience a direct flight to your next level in God!

Minister Qui

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