Thursday, June 26, 2014

Accident or Not?

I don't believe in accidents. I think that everything occurs for a reason. An unexpected event my occur but, that doesn't make the occurrence an accident. There is a cause and effect for everything in life. The choice you make or someone else makes is the cause. What comes as a result of the choice is the effect.

So if every situation has a cause, why do we allow Satan to talk us in to believing our lives were an accident? Our lives were never accidental. God has a plan an purpose for us. He created us in his own likeness and image. This is truth! So if he created us this way, then obviously we are not accidental.

God knew us all before he formed us in our mothers wombs. That right there says NOT AN ACCIDENT! Form = mold, shape, build. God molded us with intentions of us living like him. He picked our parents, grandparents, and ancestors because he a purpose for them in our lives.

We have all made poor choices at some point in our life and the results may have been less than ideal but, the results were not accidentally caused.  When you find yourself looking at your life and see that you do or don't like what is going on remember it is not an accident. Be  a good student and find God's purpose in that situation and cause a change.

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